This Retro Recipe is Donationware. If you appreciate the work & wish to use it you may do so completely free of charge. Or feel free to support the development of projects like this where rewards include tech support for this recipe, early video access, music, merchandise, name credits & more. Cheers!
Lego Commodore Blocky Brix Drive!
Build your own Blocky Brix Drive!
Normal computers tell you how many blocks are free on your disk drive but with this one they are all free!
Recipe ingredients:
Get the bricks:
- Get the drive: Order this SD2IEC drive & label combo only (I have not tested other drives)
- Get the disk label:
- Download my image here
- Important: Don't use glue or tape as the SD Card must remain very thin to insert. Instead I recommend printing at 100% size onto these labels:
- I don't have a link for the Commodore logos but you are welcome to create & print your own :-)
- To assemble your drive just follow along with my video - you'll find most of the parts are the same or easy - even fun - to figure out!
I sincerely hope you enjoy going stack to the future with your very own Blocky Brix Drive!
This Retro Recipe is Donationware. If you appreciate the work & wish to use it you may do so completely free of charge. Or feel free to support the development of projects like this where rewards include tech support for this recipe, early video access, music, merchandise, name credits & more. Cheers!